Friday 5 June 2009

Health Risks we Too Ignorance to know

Health Risks we Too Ignorance to know
If you are Hong Kong Movie lover, I think you are familiar with this phrase, “The most dangerous place is the safest.” If you reflect this on how we take pre-caution steps in protecting you and your love ones, this statement is very true.

We are educated to wash our hands frequently. When do you wash hand? After using the toilet, going out from clinic / hospital, before and after meal. I believe many do practice this since young. So you think you are protected from germs? They are many areas that are “highly dangerous” but we are ignorance on them. Here, I just want to share 2 most common ones:-

Risk of shopping cart / basket
As a typical Malaysian, we simply love shopping. Shopping malls, hypermarket, supermarket, etc. Taking a shopping cart / basket is the usual act we do. And seldom do we realize that the shopping cart and basket is one of the highly contaminated items we in contact with. Numerous people just take the cart / basket, putting everything they want inside. It could be livestock (with juices, blood, dirt, etc), it could be aerosol (chemicals contaminate), it could be anything and people take / push the cart to everywhere they are allowed to - Car park, outside the toilet, food court, everywhere.

Parents with young child like to put the young kid into the seating inside the cart. If you start to see how contaminated the cart could be, you know the risk you putting them in. Kid touches the cart’s handle and put their little hand inside their mouth, rub their eyes / face. Not a very wise choice, huh?

We adult also seldom realize the cart / basket as the “germs bearding ground”. Rarely do we wash our hand after handling the shopping cart, or clean the handler before handling it. We shop, sometimes we do food tasting while shopping.

Ladies caution about your handbag
We love our handbag(s). We carry them to everywhere we go. Toilet, restaurant, party, office... And we put them on the wall (toilet), floor (house, office), table, wardrobe, drawer, chair, etc. Just imagine how dirty and contaminated our handbag is.

From our naked eyes, the handbag seems clean. We even put our handbag on our dining table. It is just like eating without washing your hand after using the toilet. Because, we usually bring our handbag along (to toilet) and we NEVER wash them after using the toilet. ^_^

And if you are one of the notebook / laptop user, well actually notebook / laptop are similar to handbag. We put them on the dining table as well… Haha… you know where you put your laptop before putting them on the dining table, right?
So next time, be alert on things we in contact with. Lower unnecessary health risks!!

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