Thursday 24 September 2009

No X in Forest, Please

In one of my previous blog, I’ve share some tips (without any evidence or its existence and effectiveness of methods shared... hehe) now I gonna “luan bai” even more about survival tips in forest (by avoiding the X).

The foremost important thing when inside forest/ jungle is never ever calls the real name of another person. The rationale behind is, if the X heard the name of the person and the X will learn and call the name of the person. What happened when someone answer to his or her name? The person soul would be called out from it physical body. Dangerous ler… That’s why don’t use real name, if the X call the fake name and you answer to the X’s call, nothing will happened. Safe la. Remember, never call people real name, use substitute name like Big Stone, Wolf, etc, up to your imagination. And never answer to anyone who is calling your real name when you are inside the jungle / forest. Never!

So you think you are pretty safe by just ignoring name calling. No really, those X are quite resourceful. They don’t rely to only one method in getting the mortals. I heard that they also make people lost in the jungle / forest. I don’t know they use illusion techniques or what other techniques, somehow, the people being targeted by them would not be able to come out from the jungle. They will find themselves walking in the same location, no matter how hard they try. So, if you so “shui” (bad luck) and encounter such situation, no fear. An old rubber taper lady told me her “petua” (secret know how) to escape from this kind of danger. No matter you are a guy or lady, as soon as you realized you are lost and walking in the same spot, undress you pant and PEE! Yes, pee and then, gather all your angers & frustrations in your daily life and start scolding in 4 letter words. Whatever foul language that come to your mind, scold it out as fierce as you can lo. She said with this you will able to see the path clearer and eventually find your way out. Miracle!

Ok, I did mentioned pee for survival, but do not think that you can pee as you like lo when you are inside jungle / forest. And pee will make you safe. No way! If not under critical circumstances like what I describe just now, never simply pee here and there. I’ve heard that sometimes, you can get yourself into trouble because you pee at the host’s land without permission. Have to have manners la. Ask permission before you answer your call of nature. Say something like, “Excuse me please. I need to pxx / sxxt at your place because I have no choice.” Then only you do your business there.

Well, that’s all I know about X and forest. I want to state that I really no idea how true is all these story and practice flowing around the folks here. So never never takes it too serious. Read for fun only, k?

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