Friday 7 August 2009

Kuala Gandah Elaphant Santuary @ Pahang

Wanting to get close with the giant mammoth? You need not go to Thailand. And there’s no need to pay a single cent to get close with these gentle elephants. Kuala Gandah, Pahang is the place to be. You’ll get the chance to get close to the elephants at its natural habitat.

History of Kuala Gandah – Orphanage Elephants’ Santuary
This centre is established in 1989 by the Department of Wildlife and National Parks of Malaysia. It serves as a base for the only elephant relocation team in Malaysia. Over the years the team had help more than 300 wild elephants relocate.

The aim of the centre is to promote and educate the public on elephant’s conservation, and its habitat and environment preservations. It opens its door to tourist on year 2000.

The Kuala Gandah Sanctuary is open daily from 8am to 4.30pm. However, activities start from 2pm to 3.45pm. If you keen to know more about elephants you are welcome to watch the short film about elephants shows on 1pm at the information centre. There’s no admission fee to enter the centre and watching the video. Donations are welcome for funding the protection and conservations of the wild elephants.

Since this centre is getting more popular in the recent years, the management team decided to limit the numbers visitors that get to bath and ride the elephants. Visitors are requested to registered themselves at the information centre before proceed to the ground where the elephants are. Upon register, the helpers will issue a pass for you. You will either get the full access pass (yellow colour sticker) or the limited access pass (red colour sticker).

A yellow, full access pass will be issued to the first 100 visitors of the day. With the pass you’ll get the chance to feed, ride and bath the elephant. And for limited access pass, you only granted the permission to visit the centre. Yet, don’t be too sad over that, you’ll still have the chance to pet the grey giant and feed them. The friendly staffs at the centre will demonstrate and guide you the correct way to feed the elephant. They will also happy to explain the type of elephants at the centre.

The first activity which starts at 2pm is feeding session. The staff will starts with cleaning the area and the elephants. The staffs will then explain and demonstrate the way to feed the giants. Visitors can take the food from the staff and feed them. Usually, they’ll feed them with bananas, sugar cane, fruits and vegetables.

After the feeding session, those with the yellow pass can queue up for the elephant riding. I recommend you wear long pants for the ride. The elephants are hairy and have rough skin.

After the ride, the elephants are guided to the river for the elephant bathing! Yes, you get to bath the elephants and get yourself bath. You’ll understand why once you’ll there. Don’t worry, the park have public bathroom for visitors who wants to take bath before leaving the park.

And if you are lucky like me, you get the chance to pet and feed the baby elephants. I got to see 2 of these cute elephant babies. I feed them with peanuts which some other tourists offered to me. And the experience is totally different from feeding the adult elephant. The babies would sniff at you for food. They sniffed my pocket, bag and my hand. Once they found the food, they’ll use they trunk to suck the food which tickles me. Unlike the adults elephants the babies are free to walk around guided by the staff. Just be gentle with the babies, you can pet, feed and take photos with them.

At about 4.15pm all the activities ended. Visitors started to leave the place and or purchase souvenir from the souvenir shop located inside the park.

How to get there?
Use the Karak Highway. Exit at Lanchang. Turn left at the junction after the Lanchang toll. Head towards Bolok and you’ll able to see signage to the Elephant Santuary. You’ll also pass by an orang asli settlement before reaching the park. About 200km from Kuala Lumpur.

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