Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Story of Letting Go

Once upon a time, there were two monks. They were on the way heading back to the temple. They came to the bridge and found that it was broken. When they were just about to cross the river they met with a young beautiful lady. This lady also wanted to cross the river. The older monk offered to carry the girl on his back to cross the river. The young monk doesn’t agree with his senior act. Yet, he kept silence on it.

And so the monk carried the young lady on his back. Three of them crossed the river safely. As soon as they reached the bank of the other side of the river, the older monk let the girl down from his back. The lady thanked them and leaves. Both the monk carried on with their journey. The younger monk was totally disturbed and unease with the act of his senior. How can his senior ignore the rule of their teaching and have intimate touch with a beautiful young lady? He shouldn’t have done this. All the anger thoughts went through his mind as they continued on the journey. Hours later, finally this young monk unable to hold the anger back.

Furiously, he voiced out, “Senior, how can you carry a lady to cross the river? We shouldn’t touch the lady.” The older monk answered calmly, “I’ve let her down hours ago. How come you still carrying her?”

How true, many of us unable to let go of things that happened around us. We feel bad/ anger/ sad/ pity because we are unable to let go the thing/ issue inside our mind. We torture ourselves by hanging on to the thoughts just like the young monk did.

Maybe many of you have seen or heard this before. I have heard and read this many times, nevertheless, I find myself still acting similarly to the young monk. Most of the time, without realizing, I carry old thoughts that burden myself. And there also time, where I hang on to the current situations and grow accustom with it. And this story always a good reminder for me to check my current situation whether there are anything that I hang on to too much… anything that I should let go and continue to explore my life journey.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Earth Hour 28/03/09 20:30hrs

I think that by now many would have heard about “Earth Hour”, “Switch off your light” or “Vote earth”. What’s Earth hour?

I googled this and found that earth hour is actual an annual international event that asks households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and electrical appliances for one hour. And this takes place on the last Saturday of March. The intention is to create awareness on global climate change and the need for actions on the climate changes. This year Earth Hour is on 28 March 2009 20:30 hrs (local time).

I would like to share a bit of the history of the Earth Hour. It started on 2007 in Sydney. And 2.2million households and businesses supported the event by turning off the lights for an hour. And last year, it turned into a bigger event. 50 million people and global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Colosseum, the Sydney Opera House and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square switched off their lights during the Earth Hour. This year, they planned to take it global, with the goal of getting 1 billion people to join this event. They called this lights switching off action as the global vote.

I’m not environmentalist, but I do support this event. And I think that this is a good platform to remind us to conserver energy, take care of the environment and being responsible as a global citizen of planet earth.

Yes, I urged you to join in as well. But, I do not hope that you only switch off your non-essential lights and electrical appliances during the earth hour. Instead, why not turn it into a habit to always switch off non-essential lights? Plus, we can switch some of the lights to energy saving bulbs. With this you can have saving on energy and saving on money. Climate change is due to human’s habitual activities that deteriorate the balance of the Mother Nature. And by switching off the light once a year is definitely no good enough.

Being a global citizen of planet earth, we can start to vote earth by switch off your non essential lights and electronic appliances daily for a brighter future.

Fun note:
Last year one of the participating countries celebrated the end of the year’s earth hour with fireworks show. I just wonder why fireworks show is chosen to be the celebration method. The reason by to switch off the lights is to conserve the energy, as energy productions contributed to an enormous amount of carbon emission. And as soon as the earth hour ended, people put on a fireworks show that also creates a lot of carbon. Well, I do hope that this year, nations that supported this event will have a better, greener way to celebrate the success of the earth hour.

Monday, 16 March 2009

Conditioned Love

While I was watching the TVB drama I realized that I like the actions of the actor named Khoo done for the female actor, Bell. Khoo is very caring especially towards Bell. Even that he knew Bell is in love with another person, he quietly did many things to support Bell when she’s in need for help. And what I love best about the character of Khoo is that he never wishes anything in return from Bell. He even never mentioned of anything he did of for her.

How good if I have someone like him in my life, someone that willing to give unconditional love. So sweet… Wait, this means that my perspective towards love is conditioned. I expect love where the other party to give unconditionally. Am I willing to give unconditionally? I think it is unlike since I expected to receive rather than give. If majority of the people have the same thought as me, I can foresee that the love will not stand for long. Sad isn’t it?

And I think that many couple argue or dissatisfied with their partner is because we conditioned our love. Expecting our partner to have this, do that and be like this. And when he/ she didn’t think/ do what we wanted to, we feel bad about it and start to count it as negative. As time passes, we collect more and more evidence of he / she is “NO good” and thus relationship breaks.

So next time, whenever I able to ask other to give unconditional love, I would like to ask myself the very same question. May love is unconditional and flame of love continue forever.